Eto Control.PointToScreen returns wrong coordinates

I need this information to position floating UI elements around other Eto controls. Control.PointToScreen uses a coordinate system with its origin situated below the Windows menu bar, which results in an offset in relation to the parent Eto control.

I currently do this:

        var controlToLogicalScreen = ControlToDockTo.PointToScreen(dockingLocation);
        var logicalScreenToNativeScreen = EtoHelpers.LogicalToScreen(controlToLogicalScreen );
        var screenToAbsolute = new Point(OffsetPoint(logicalScreenToNativeScreen ));
        var absoluteToLogical = new Point(EtoHelpers.ScreenToLogical(logicalToScreen));

Where LogicalToScreen and ScreenToLogical are methods suggested by @curtisw in this thread:

and OffsetPoint is a method using user32.dll to find the ClientRectangle of the main Rhino window.

RhinoView gives us access to ScreenRectangle, which can be nicely translated to Eto’s logical screen coordinates. Is there a similar way of retrieving true screen coordinates of Eto controls?
@CallumSykes, @dale, maybe you can help?