ETO - Binding to Collection

StackPanel is not a control that has a list of values, but it is a container for other controls. Just like I used TableLayout in the example I give above, you could also use StackPanel.

As for converters, maybe the example from my code below can give you some insight in how to use/bind them.

PropertyViewModel pvm; // defined elsewhere
// text area control
TextArea ta = new TextArea
  Height = 450,
  Width = 250,
  DataContext = vm,
  AcceptsReturn = true,
  AcceptsTab = false,

// bind the text to the view-model property StringRepresentation
ta.TextBinding.BindDataContext((PropertyViewModel pvm) => pvm.StringRepresentation);

// create a binding to the boolean property IsStringRepresentationValid
var validBinding = Binding.Property((PropertyViewModel  pvm) => pvm.IsStringRepresentationValid);

// convert it to a color binding
var colorBinding = validBinding.Convert(tf => tf ? Colors.White : Colors.PaleVioletRed);

// use the color binding for setting the background.
// end result: the text area shows a white background if the entered string is valid
// and a red background if the entered string is not valid.
ta.Bind(area => area.BackgroundColor, vm, colorBinding);
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