Escape Dream [...abort any Command by simply hitting the “Esc” key]

I agree 100% that there should be no commands that just freeze Rhino with no way to escape. This is the biggest productivity loss even for experienced users IMHO. It’s understandable that the math crunch would take a hit, but is there really no way to address this or just it’s considered not a high priority? Maybe check every 5 seconds or 10 seconds even, if the user holds Esc, or work on some better solution. That part is one of Rhino’s weakes points and one of the most frustrating ones.

There are numerous requests for multiple commands that are particularily prone to these freezes, but they have been ignored or low priority for years, like this one:
Please make MeshOutline escape-able! - Serengeti (Rhino WIP) - McNeel Forum
