Error using Package Manager to load Elefront

I’m really liking the functionality of Package Manager, especially how easy it is to update plugins.

I’m now using Package Manager for all of my plugins management but I’m encountering one error with Elefront:

I’ve searched through all of my Grasshopper components & plugins folders to see if there are any stray Elefront files to delete but I’m not seeing any.

I’ve also tried uninstalling Elefront, then re-installing but the problem persists.

Any guidance on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

There’re possibly due to duplicated files.

ElefrontProperties.rhp is a Rhino plugin so perhaps you’d look into Rhino’s plugin folders. I recommend (1) uninstall Elefront first (2) go into Rhino’s plugin settings page to see if there’s still an ElefrontProperties there. (if so, Rhino would tell you the file location)


Thanks so much @gankeyu

It took two tries, including finding the Elefront folder in my Documents folder - I was so focused on searching through all of the ProgramData and AppData subfolders that it never occurred to me to check my Documents folder.

Thanks again for the solve!