Error retrieving Polyline curve from tree

I have a tree containing a Polyline curve on each branch.

I would like to simply inspect this tree using the cherry-picker. However when I do so, I don’t get a Polyline as output. Even connecting the output of the cherry-picker to Curve primitive node returns the error “Data conversion failed from Text to Curve”.

However if I connect the output of the cherry-picker to a Panel, I get “Polyline Curve”.

I even tried using the “Tree branch” component, but I get the same error.

Can someone help me understanding what’s wrong?

Please find a screenshot below and a .gh file with internalised data attached:

GH_tree branch (17.5 KB)

You should not feed the data through a panel. The panel output is text

GH_tree (28.1 KB)

The tree contains 73 branches and one of them has two items. I’m not sure if I would use the cherry picker in this case. I find the interface to select the branch quite annoying.


Tree/List Viewer

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Indeed was a stupid mistake. Thanks for helping me.

Regarding the choice of the Cherry Picker, this is just used during debugging. I would not implement this for the reasons you mentioned.

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