Error in Grasshopper

I’m running into an error when using my grasshopper code for this surface, it works for other squared surfaces, but not this one. Anyone have any solutions?

Hi @Victor_Nicolai_Rølva ,

Please upload a .gh file with your geometry/data internalized so we can help further.

However, it may be that you are feeding a single value into the Motion input of the Move component and it needs a Vector (composed of 3 parts, X,Y,and Z)

Use the Vector XYZ component, connect your multiplication output result into the proper X,Y,or Z input of that component, then feed that Vec component output into your Motion input.

If your Multiplication output is already in a vector format like (0,0,1) then try adding a “Vector” geometry container between the Multiplication output and the Motion input as sometimes GH gets picky with casting between different data types on certain nodes.

Hope that helps!