ERROR Bounding box is off in one direction

Rhino 8 SR5 2024-2-13

first create cplane with x orientation in projected direction of the pipe then run bounding box with cplane option.

i believe its far from origin problem. but why in one axis only?

it is absolutely not okay that i stumble upon terrible errors like this way too often on daily basis. bugs are acceptable when they occur sporadically and for special complicated cases. rhino has bugs which can be classified as fundamental issues.

bb.3dm (109.1 KB)

Don’t think so. Move the pipe to the origin and repeat the cplane & bb process and the box still doesn’t fit.

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Again, it’s worse than you think. I have a bounding box off in two dimensions.
bb 001.3dm (142.9 KB)

yeah i did not investigate further i just posted it right away with emotional restraint. then i said f word and went home.