Equivalent command rhino "flow"

How can I bend a group of curves around a circle? I’m looking for the equivalent of the Rhino “flow” command, I’m sure it’s easy but I can’t find it, sorry
In the image, on the left this is what I would like to obtain, I did it with flow on rhino
Thank you in advance

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double-click on the canvas to get a search field.
flow, enter.

the component is called → flow

click on the resul
if this does not fit - check other components in
Transform → Morph

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 13.31.46

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thank you for your answer but I don’t have a “flow” component when I search.
And in the morph tab, I didn’t find anything that would work, there is “surface morph” but it’s for surfaces and I would like the equivalent for curves, I haven’t found anything like it :frowning:

this is weird… is the following working on your rhino? (I guess you’ll need R6 or later…)

Flow_in_Py.gh (15.6 KB)

no it doesn’t work. In fact I’m on rhino 5, I have to install 7 for it to work
Thank you :slight_smile: