So after either the last update (or possibly the one before that), the environment textures in my materials in Rhino 8 are not working as expected anymore. This is a concern because I sell a jewelry kit and a material library for Rhino8 that will both be affected by this. I guess I really just want to know the ultimate plan here and maybe get advice for the best cource of action (i.e., do I need to change all my materials because this is just the way materials are going to work here on out or do I just need to wait for a future update to fix this?).
This time I felt a video was warranted to demonstrate the issue. The video is unlisted so only people with the link can view it.
It would be best if you could share a file with us. You can do so confidentially using our upload service . Please copy a link to this topic in the comments for the upload so we know what the file is for.
I made a sample file for you guys and figured out more stuff after more experimenting, all of which I put in the comments to the upload. Let me know if you all need more info.
@webdunce I don’t see a difference between old and new stylized versions of your materials - I’m testing with the upcoming Rhino 8.10 though (will become service release candidate hopefully next week).
There is a difference with the new realistic one, but I don’t know yet where that comes from. I’d stick to your old versions, they look all good as far as I can tell, both stylized and realistic.
@nathanletwory Thanks for looking at it and getting back to me so quickly. Just as an FYI, this is what I see when I look at old vs new stylized gem materials on my PC. However, it’s encouraging to hear that Rhino 8.10 might possibly resolve the issue. I will wait for that to see what happens. Thanks again.
Hi, Nathan. This is a video showing an issue with projection types. I think it might be related to the original issue. All the projection types produce exactly the same results if the output type is set to “same as input” or if the input and output types are set to the same type (which I guess is the same thing). If the output type is different from the input type, then we get different results. It feels like we are getting a single default projection type if the two types match. Let’s say, just as an example, that the “default” type is light-probe, then we get light-probe no matter what projection type we choose if the output is set to “same as input” or if the input and output are set to the same type. I don’t think this is intended behavior (I compare it to Rhino7, where changing the projection type has a noticeable effect).
By the way, I made this video for the Rhino devs. For this reason, I have it set to “unlisted” on my youtube channel; so only people with the link will be able to see the video. It’s just meant to be helpful to the devs and is not meant to be a public complaint about Rhino8 or anything like that. If you guys have a place you would prefer people to upload videos like these (videos meant to demonstrate a potential bug to the devs), I’d be happy to upload such videos there instead. I’m only using my YouTube channel because it’s very convenient, and I don’t know of a better alternative.
Also, am I supposed to create an account on YouTrack?