Fair question.
With respect to item 1):
Because other software doesn’t do this. Why is this a reason? Because, for example, Photoshop and sketchup use the space bar by default for the pan command, and I would like to optionally configure rhino to do this.
This doesn’t mean those programs are “right” and rhino is “wrong” - I don’t think any programs should hard wire their shortcut keys to anything.
Because you are then second guessing what the user wants. We all use multiple software programs; some of them have similar kinds of commands - for example, cad programs, bitmap paint programs, video editing programs and even word processors all have some kind of zoom and pan commands - as a end user, I would like to configure all those programs to use the same keyboard shortcuts for the same kind of action. It just makes my life when working with a computer much easier. - I have many commands in rhino mapped to old generic cad shortcut keys, because I spent years working with that program so I could alsmost operate it in my sleep - it made the basic transition to rhino much easier for me.
The only short cuts that should be hard wired are the windows operating system - I trailed a specialist lighting design program some time ago, which had some very desirable features, but also some extremely poor hard coded choices as far as hot keys were concerned - for example control c & control v were mapped to some command in the program, and couldn’t be disabled.
The right mouse button is used in rhino not only for enter, but also for rotate view and a popup menu - despite clever programming to allow them to seperate out, this is just too much.
Because, as per my original post, I use both a mouse and a Wacom pen. The mouse I tend to use mainly for the scroll wheel, and the pen I use for everything else mouse related. However, when I want to rotate the view, and thus have to hold the right pen button down, it’s far too easy to fire the enter command, which then repeats the last command and all hell can break loose.
Naturally, I have added a number of “dangerous” commands to the "don’t repeat " list, but the solution is to allow me to configure my own right button click.
Why would that be a problem?
I personally think we need only one “enter” command key, and that should be on the qwerty keyboard where it is on every other windows program. In fact that makes two enter keys on any keyboard with extra numeric keys.
I don’t care if someone else wants to configure their rhino to have 20 enter commands all over the place - I just don’t want to be part of it.
with respect to item 2)
I’m all for a “repeat last command” macro - I just don’t want it hardwired to the enter key.
The enter key is a crucial windows key that says to all programs "ok, now do whatever it is that I have set up to happen"
As such, I’d prefer it to be left alone to do that one very important specific job.
(As a spoiled brat of a child I knew, when very young, when asked if he could spell his name, said “J - A - M - E - S - Enter” )
It’s just too easy to hit that key when repeating the last command is not at all what you want to happen.
If you want to assign that command to the enter key, go ahead, but why should I have to live with it?
In short, I would like to configure my own shortcut keys.
Rhino can ship by default with the key assignments exactly as they are now, but please let me optionally configure my own.
Is that too much to ask?