Emails Hang in Outlook

I’m new to the new forum and just posted my first topic yesterday. What I’m finding is that the notification emails for new posts to the thread are extremely slow to open in Outlook. When I click on the emails they take like more than a minute to open and Outlook is frozen up while they try.

Is this happening to anyone else?

I haven’t seen this, but I typically use gmail in my browser and haven’t touched outlook for a long time.

Well, I doubt I’m the only one using Outlook, so if it’s not a common problem I suppose it could have something to do with our internal exchange server, or security or something.

For now I’ll just mute all the emails.

@Craig The issue has recently been fixed. I guess you’ll have to wait till this forum is updated to latest version of Discourse.

Thanks @zogstrip,

Over here I have the same issue with MS Outlook and I have disabled all e-mail notifications.

Sounds like this has been fixed in the discourse source. We’ll update once they roll their version number.

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I just updated to the latest version of discourse. Hopefully this fixed your email problem.

Let’s find out when I receive new mail.


The 5 second “mark read” delay is still there as far as I can tell…