@dalelear @Gijs
Another example of ElmoPY doing better than Elmo and also not reporting the correct deviation still…
Elmo3.3dm (44.4 KB)
@dalelear @Gijs
Another example of ElmoPY doing better than Elmo and also not reporting the correct deviation still…
Elmo3.3dm (44.4 KB)
The ElmoPy version creates a less than desired curvature graph imo.
I think you can better results With Elmo in this case, either using Uniformity None, or Custom (0.001)
left in the image is the Elmo version. With 0.001 Uniformity I get a deviation of 0.171694 vs 0.16365 for ElmoPy.
With Unitormity= none, the curvaturegraph is still better, and the deviation is 0.146061
@Gijs Thanks Gijs, I’ll take another look, haven’t been using numbers that small with custom uniformity - will try that that for my next rebuilds.
Hello Gijs,
I’m not sure if this has been discussed yet, but how does Elmo handle the End-Tangents?
Is there an option to 100% preserve the curve end tangents? That would be really helpful.
Actully preserving the end tangents is even more important to me than deviation of the overall curve.
Yes, Elmo has options for match tangency on both end, at the start only, at the end only or none.
Hello Rob,
thank you for your reply, great to see you guys already considered this!
Will the Grasshopper (GH1) component also have those options (start, end, both)?
And a deviation output?