Ellipsoid mesh from curvature lines

Here are a couple of examples with the Conicalize goal.
Note that (unlike the CyclicQuad and Isothermic goals) this goal doesn’t ensure planarity on its own - you need to add a Planarize goal too. This is because there are some applications where it is useful to apply the angle condition for conical meshes but on non planar quads (in particular, asymptotic gridshells).
Also shown here is the face-face offset mesh component generating torsion free beam layouts.

One shows something you can sculpt by dragging points around, while the other pulls the mesh onto a target surface. With both you start with the conical/planar strength low while shaping, and slide it all the way up at the end. The offset component will give strange results before the mesh is properly conical.
conical_demo_pull.gh (21.7 KB)
conical_demo.gh (52.0 KB)