Trying to use elevation mark annotation, in Rhino 8 VA3, It seems not update the elevation number (in Rhino 7 and VA2 It works well).
Thank you
Hi @fn_a is that file created from a VisualARQ template? can you share it?
What VisualARQ 3 version do you have? (run the vaAbout command to check it out)
Hi @fsalla,
Yes is a Visualarq 3 template_meters.
VA version:
Rh8 version: SR12 (8.12.24282.7001, 2024-10-08).
Thank you
Hi @fn_a We have just released VisualARQ 3.0.14. Please check if this problem persists with this new update.
Hi @fsalla,
Unfortunately I still have problems with elevation mark despite the update
I noticed that when I first opened the VA3 template_meters it reproduces the same appearance of the elevation mark in the .gif.
Thank you
Can you share that file please?
Hi @fsalla,
I’ll send you by email.
Thank you
Hi @fn_a thanks for the file. I still cannot reproduce it.
Can you try this with the 3.1 RC1 version? (You can download it here: VisualARQ 3.1 - Release Candidate 1 released)
Hi @fsalla,
thank you I’ll try new release candidate.
Thanks again