Elefront 5.1.2 Blocks are broken in macOS

Hi @elevelle and other Elefront devs,

There seems to be an issue in the 5.1.2 Elefront, at least on the macOS side, with blocks handling. The simplest setup I could find is the following :

I can deconstruct blocks and have a preview of transformations, but I can’t access any block property, nor bake them.

Here are the files :
Block Issue-Elefront.gh (12.8 KB)
Block Issue-Elefront.3dm (3.2 MB)

Sad day for working with blocks…

Baking and details seems to be working fine for me except I don’t use the rhino geo info and I’m using windows, not mac. Sorry if this doesn’t help.

Thanks for trying it. It seems it is a mac-related issue then…

Woops, it looks like the issue comes from the Extended Geometry component ; if I reference the block using one of the ref component, everything works as expected.

It looks like the Extended Geometry component internalize blocks automatically.

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Hi, this is indeed an issue with the Extended Geometry component. It’s on the list, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. In the meantime, you can use a GUID component to reference objects and/or internalize them, and then pass the guid into the Extended Geometry component to have it reference the blocks.

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