It appears that once a SubD surface is trimmed it’s no longer editable by selecting individual faces without faceted edges in the result.
I’m modeling topography from contour lines (with patch) and then toSubD to create a SubD surface which extends far beyond the original model. I can edit this smoothly until I trim it, at which time it becomes a surface which responds without smoothing when I edit it by selecting faces. So my workflow involves returning to the untrimmed surface to edit each iteration of the surface. It’s an extra step every time, but it seems like the only way to do it.
The most basic is selecting loops by selecting one face and then dbl clicking the adjacent face in the direction you want the loop selection to go (same can be done for edges; there you can even just dbl click an edge to select the loop, since it already has a direction).
Next there’s selecting a partial loop, which can be done by selecting the first face in your “string”, then the last face, then dbl clicking anywhere in-between the two - same goes for edges.
My favourite is using SelBrush with selection filter set to whatever you’re selecting (edges, faces, vertices). Note that you can use Selection Sets to save these selections for later use.