Is it possible to edit/add edgesoftening in RhinoCommon?
I can’t find it in the object attributes or anywhere else.
Thank you.
Is it possible to edit/add edgesoftening in RhinoCommon?
I can’t find it in the object attributes or anywhere else.
Thank you.
Hey Jordy,
Are you looking to do the edge softening or just set the object properties (or both)?
– Dale
Hi @Dale
I want to read and adjust the softening radius.
Maybe turn it off.
Thanks for looking into this.
Hi Jordy,
Maybe there is a startingpoint in Clement’s approach here:
Hi all,
that is why i asked how to access the userdata to which i got the id from the object properties. But i do not know how to pass the id to query
obj.Attributes.UserData.Find( ... ? ... )
I asumed that once the user data can be accessed, it might be possible to read enabled state etc. But i fear reading (and maybe even changing) the data requires to know the key values first.
@Dale, is this probably possible using RhinoCommon and Python ?