Does anyone recommend a file format in the list below that would be the most success. I have a client wanting an EASM format but do not see the option when exporting. Is there a converter utility that anyone is aware of.Using RhinoV4 as well.
SOLIDWORKS native files and templates (.sldprt, .slddrw, .sldasm, .prtdot, .drwdot and .asmdot)
eDrawings native files (.edrw, .eprt, .easm, .edrwx, .eprtx, .easmx)
DXF/DWG files (.dxf, .dwg)
ProEngineer files (.prt, .prt., .xpr, .asm, .xas)
3DXML files (.3dxml)
STL Files (.stl)
CALS Files (.cal, .ct1)
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