DWG Import inconsistencies

When importing DWG files in Rhino 8.13, there is something weird going on.

When opening or inserting a DWG into Rhino:
The Annotation text heights are not maintained correctly. For example, the left-side linear dimension has a text height of 1.75 in Autocad. When imported into Rhino, it is 2.5.

Using Import Content component in Grasshopper gives also weird results where only one of the Leaders has the correct height: The Grasshopper definition also shows that the Linear Dimension Text Height (Th) is 1.0 for both linear dimensions. Shouldn’t these be the same as in the DWG file? Or is it the Annotation Style that I have on the upper part of the GH definition where the text heights should be correct?

All in all, I would expect the Content Cache in Grasshopper to push all of the objects from the DWG in the same manner as when inserting or opening the DWG file. But it does not.

Can you repeat the problem? I think this might have something to do with why DWG imports every now and then either explode in text sizes or are somehow a little off.

Attached is a sample DWG file and a Grasshopper script.


DWG_import_problem.gh (20.6 KB)
TestDWG_2.dwg (563.0 KB)

Hi Tuomas -

We have that issue on the list as RH-70555 File IO: Dimension text height from DWG

It looks like the Grasshopper import is identical to the Rhino import.

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