Hello there Forum.
The layout shown is part of an origami tool.
Question.gh (34.9 KB)
I’m trying to create a flexible tool allowing me to change the number of outer facets/folds of the origami shape (ie: it’s set to 6 presently on the slider - on the bottom left of the web).
I’ve explored various options to duplicate/mirror/array the shape as a layout (shown of the top right of the web).
Initially, I considered a Polar Array, but because the shape might have parallel sides (Image:A) or the top of the shape might be smaller than the bottom (Image B).
What can I use to ‘duplicate’ the shape?
I’m currently using a ‘Mirror’ command [at the top right of the web] to produce an extra element, I need to be able to increase the duplication depending on the slider of the bottom left (ie; duplicate to x6…or more depending on the slider).
Can I set a multiple duplification for a mirror command?
Solutions are most welcome.
Kind regards,