DropDown MenuItem

Hi everyone,

Is there any way to create MenuItem like DropDown as below images?

Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 23.15.17 Screen Shot 2020-09-09 at 23.15.27

Thanks in advance,

Hi @oguzhankoral,

If you don’t want to use a Eto.Forms.DropDown control, you can always display some kind of static control and then popup a context menu when the user clicks on it.

– Dale

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Hi @dale,

Actually I wanted to use Eto.Forms.DropDown’s functionality as MenuItem into code below that I signed

MenuSegmentedItem optionsSegmentedItem = new MenuSegmentedItem()
	Text = "Options",
	Menu = new ContextMenu()
		Items =
            new DropDownMenuItem (But there is no object like DropDown as MenuItem)
			new CheckMenuItem
				Text = "Show Head-Up Display",
				Checked = true,
				Command = ActivateHUD,

I solved this using SubMenu and RadioMenuItem at least for now as you said.


Hey @oguzhankoral,

Yes, RadioMenuItem is what you are looking for. You can add them directly in the context menu, or in a submenu via a ButtonMenuItem as you have done.

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@curtisw and @dale,
Thanks for advices, I solved it as you said.