My script is almost doing what I want. I want to draw lines perpendicularly from the red line to bluelines. I have used pull point, but I need to find a way to make the lines draw perpendicularly not to the closest point necessarily.
this takes care of Curve Direction (How to check if a curve is turning clockwise?) and shots perpendicular lines from Footprint’s Curve Division Points until the closest Sidewalk Curve
This script works great. Thank you very much. The reason I was trying to use pull points is I have many different curves that are random. I used pull point, sort list and list items, to basically group the curves by proximity to get this process for each set of closest curves. I have attached the rest of the script. Is it possible to implement this with what you have provided?
No, you attached only an image of the script that is basically useless.
And created a duplicate thread under a different username, where you also failed to post GH code with geometry.
3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files