Dragging CurveEditPoints to change the shape of curve using Python Script

Dynamically changing CurveEditPoints in viewport to update the shape of the curve using python script.

I know how to change it’s shape using an attracter point. But It changes the curve completely. For minute change I want to drag a CurveEditPoint (using python script), unable to figure it out yet.

to do:
selecting a CurveEditPoint and dragging it to change the shape of the curve ‘n’ times.

You can use Rhino.Geometry.ControlPoint(new_point, curve.Points[point_index].Weight) to move the curve control point to your liking.
That’s one possible approach :

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import Rhino

def move_control_point():
    # Prompt user to select a curve
    curve_id = rs.GetObject("Select a curve", rs.filter.curve)
    if curve_id is None:

    # Get the curve object from the document
    curve_obj = sc.doc.Objects.Find(curve_id)
    curve = curve_obj.Geometry

    # Check if the curve is a NURBS curve
    if not isinstance(curve, Rhino.Geometry.NurbsCurve):
        print("The selected curve is not a NURBS curve.")

    # Prompt user to select a control point index
    num_points = curve.Points.Count
    point_index = rs.GetInteger("Enter the control point index (0-{})".format(num_points - 1), 0, 0, num_points - 1)
    if point_index is None:

    # Get the original control point location
    original_point = curve.Points[point_index].Location

    # Prompt user to select a new location for the control point
    new_point = rs.GetPoint("Select new location for control point", original_point)
    if new_point is None:

    # Move the control point to the new location
    curve.Points[point_index] = Rhino.Geometry.ControlPoint(new_point, curve.Points[point_index].Weight)

    # Update the curve geometry in the document
    sc.doc.Objects.Replace(curve_id, curve)

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can integrate a nice userinterface yourself and previews using the display conduit.