Draft Angle Analysis

Hey All,

I am trying to better understand the Draft Angle Analysis function to find a parting line on a model.

It could be that I just don’t fully understand how to use it or properly set up a model. I am getting some issues that I would love some pointers to.

The first being the curves generated don’t match the gradient color pattern, or it’s just missing the curve in general.

The 2nd thing I noticed is on a symmetrical model the curves are not always the same on both sides.



Rocket Test Draft.3dm (2.5 MB)

I guess my question is how can I get a good parting line using the tool? I thought I understood it but maybe not!

Hello - if you set the analysis for mid draft curve and then poke ‘Create Draft Curve’ you should get what you need.

But, thye edges of the wings have short vertical section and the roundy part does not, so you’ll get a collision there where they meet where you’ll need to reconcile the curves - the vertical will generate two curves



Ahhh setting it with a negative draft. That makes a lot of sense!

Thank you for the help!