Dome from not-circle problem

Hi! I’m trying to make a ‘dome’ from a not-circle curve. I have a scaled & moved version of the curve to help control the shape. The problem is, loft just give me a band between the curves (and it’s wrong currently–see the twist in the shape of the curve!). I see that the Network Surf function is used to patch boundaries, but I only have u curves, and it does not run without some v curves. Also, if I just draw lines that converge at one point to create the v curves, there will be degenerate point, which is bad.

Is there some grasshopper functions I am missing here? I imagine making a bean-like shape (from mirroring the not-circle dome in z direction)
In the following file, I have a ‘top surface’ set up. In not-programming software I use, I would loft between edge of this top surface and the bottom curve, and set curvature continuity, giving me dome. (this is just possible half-solution I have. It is absolutely ok if top of the dome is not spherical)

(I want the dome to be curvature continuous throughout, like the body of a bean!–ignoring part of the bean where the little leaves sprout. Also, I am trying to make NURBS option to save computer space)
Thanks so much! (11.6 KB)

I thought the Patch function would work, but it only takes edge and does not allow continuity option ;-;

If you tick the Align Sections Option in the Loft component, that should sort out the twist.

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It’s not clear tome what you mean by “dome”, but if you set Loft Options to Align curves you get the result shown below. The problem this solves is the directions of the 2 curves are opposite. You can use the Curve/Util/Analyse Direction component to show which direction a curve has. For reasons beyond my comprehension it turns out that curve directions seem t be randomly determined.

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Thanks for your help! I got the loft to straighten up!

Thanks for your help!

The ‘dome’ would look like this (without, of course, the little white part of the bean where the sprouts come out):

Intuitively, I would just ‘patch’ the open hole on the loft in a way that is curvature continuous. But I can’t find a gh function that does this

I tried the fillet function. The problem is the fillet cannot get big enough where the curve gets pointy.

The best way I can imagine is to have a loft that closes the top (closed loft option does not do that)

There could be some solution. I worked on things quite similar, I am not ready to publish it but the idea is to make curves all around the holes.
Find a point approximately at the center of the hole, move it upward,
For points on the hole find the normal of the surface, the tangent on the curve so find a vector parallel to the surface and going up.
That could give that

But not good here

This lacks some optimization.

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Thanks for your help (and the illustration)!

I believe the converging vertices do create ‘converging points’ where continuity is gone. If only Loft accept continuity! (though even if it does, it only takes curves rather than ‘curve on this surface’ :sweat_smile:)

This is what I was able to figure out. I have little cap in the middle to prevent singularity. Sadly, there is no continuity option in any gh surface tool I tried :upside_down_face:

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This is nice.

As many tools rely on RhinoCommon these option are not available. For example RhinoCommon networksuface has just curve as inputs. So is is just a position continuity.