Does RhinoCommon provide an API for creating construction lines?

Hello everyone, I need to simulate the _AddGuide construction line, but I couldn’t find a similarly named class or one that provides this functionality in RhinoCommon. Do I need to implement it myself?

RhinoCommon does not have this. You can most easily script this using RhinoApp.RunScript("_-AddGuide", false).

I have added the request to be able to do this from RhinoCommon at RH-85572

Thank you for your reply. What I mean is, can we use DisplayPipeline to render ray3d? However, it seems that DisplayPipeline does not provide a method to render ray3d.

What is done - as far as I can see on a quick inspection - is that lines are drawn in a display conduit in such a way that they seem infinite, they extend beyond the view frustum. This can be done from code if you’d want to do that.

But the guide lines also allow snapping, and that is not so easily replicated in code. If all you want is to draw lines that don’t snap, use a display conduit.

Hi @yangf85,

The drawing method used by the AddGuide command isn’t exposed to RhinoCommon. I’ve logged the wish.

– Dale

ok,i will try it.