Does anyone know a plug-in that can depend on 2 outputs? for example, as you can see in the picture, I want the output to depend on the cell size and the Re-entrant angle without changing one another. So if I change the cell size number slider, it won’t change the Re-entrant angle number slider, and likewise, when I change the re-entrant number slider it won’t change the cell size number slider.
In this case, I connect the cell size number slider to a series to control the geometry if I increase the cell size. This I already did successfully, but the problem is when I want to change the angle of the re-entrant. Since it is not connected to the series, the geometry won’t move, and I need it to move to have an equally-sized hourglass throughout the geometry, this means I need to connect it to the series plug-in as well, but in this case if I plug it to the series while the cell size number slider is also plug in it, then if I change 1 number slider the other one will be affected.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you in advance
This will not help you as it is for 3 printing. But what I can say, it is basic Mathematics, you have a length and an angle to do the single cell, then you just have to array this.
If yo know Cosinus, Sinus or Tangent you can manage to do it.
I replaced the MoveAway ‘D’ input slider with a ‘pinch’ slider (blue group) that refers to cell size so the proportion (and “Re-entrant angle”) stays the same, regardless of cell size.
Hey, I tried to remake your file on a new file, but it keeps giving me an error, and I couldn’t recreate what you did even though I followed the picture steps you gave I don’t know why, maybe I made some mistake or something. so I implemented some of your steps into my previous file and it works quite well.