Does anyone know a plug in that can depend on 2 output

Does anyone know a plug-in that can depend on 2 outputs? for example, as you can see in the picture, I want the output to depend on the cell size and the Re-entrant angle without changing one another. So if I change the cell size number slider, it won’t change the Re-entrant angle number slider, and likewise, when I change the re-entrant number slider it won’t change the cell size number slider.
In this case, I connect the cell size number slider to a series to control the geometry if I increase the cell size. This I already did successfully, but the problem is when I want to change the angle of the re-entrant. Since it is not connected to the series, the geometry won’t move, and I need it to move to have an equally-sized hourglass throughout the geometry, this means I need to connect it to the series plug-in as well, but in this case if I plug it to the series while the cell size number slider is also plug in it, then if I change 1 number slider the other one will be affected.

Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank you in advance

I think what you are after is a bit like that (Size is constant, I just vary the angle)
By Output do you mean Inputs ?

This will not help you as it is for 3 printing. But what I can say, it is basic Mathematics, you have a length and an angle to do the single cell, then you just have to array this.
If yo know Cosinus, Sinus or Tangent you can manage to do it.

thank you for your feed back, can i know where i can find that plug-in from?

It is my Nautilus plugin, but as I say it is useless as it outputs a single closed curve and it is in a paid version.

No reference to your previous thread? And no code posted, :frowning:

Looks like you ignored my advice there anyway. :roll_eyes: :-1:

I replaced the MoveAway ‘D’ input slider with a ‘pinch’ slider (blue group) that refers to cell size so the proportion (and “Re-entrant angle”) stays the same, regardless of cell size. (28.8 KB)

Not complicated or mysterious :bangbang:

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Having a file will have helped a lot!!

Hey, I tried to remake your file on a new file, but it keeps giving me an error, and I couldn’t recreate what you did even though I followed the picture steps you gave I don’t know why, maybe I made some mistake or something. so I implemented some of your steps into my previous file and it works quite well.

I also couldn’t find the “edge length sort” on my grasshopper but, when I opened your file it appeared suddenly, I don’t know why this is happening

I gave you working code which is much more useful than a picture :bangbang: :bangbang: