Do I need to know advanced mathematics?

Creating plug-ins for Rhino requires knowledge of Rhino’s capabilities and programming.
I know how Rhino works because I have been using it for over 10 years.
However, I do not have advanced mathematical knowledge.
I would like to know your opinion on this.


No need for advanced math, knowledge of parametric curves and surfaces is enough for a lot of things, but this depends on what kind of plugins you have in mind.


I see.
I am confident in my knowledge of Rhino because I have many years of experience.
Basically, the plug-in I’m trying to make probably isn’t that difficult. Maybe, but…
I can put a circle of any size anywhere on the surface, make a diamond cutout, etc.

Well I’ve blindly stumbled my way through some complex stuff, but the math that would have helped the most to understand better would be matrices.

I’m thinking of using C#,
Is the “Vector Class” very important for making Rhino plug-ins?

I think we need to back up and start with the question “what are you trying to do?”.

The mathematics involved are going to be as diverse as the different types of problems people are trying to solve by creating plug-ins.

If you haven’t done so already, I would recommend learning Grasshopper. You can define algorithms with Grasshopper and even turn grasshopper definitions into plugins.

Thanks for the advice.
I have an awareness that I am not good at GrassHopper…
Can I define the plugin as a toolbar or icon on the Rhino screen after I have defined it in GrassHopper as you say?

Yes you can, but that is very far down the path. For starters, I would recommend spending some time going through grasshopper tutorials and ask here as you are trying to solve problems using grasshopper.

I see. I’ll try to learn anyway.
Since you have advised me to do so, I will try.

many thanks

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