Hi everyone, I would like to have your help on something.
I am quite new in using math in my work on GH so I don’t know if what I want to do is even possible but I am sure it could since it is pure logic.
I would like to create a file that I could use to divide a curve into multiple growing segments, using a growing factor. Here is a formula I found to be effective :
L being total lenght of the curve
r being the growing factor
n being the number of segment
x being the lenght of the first segment
L = x + x*r + x² + … + x^n-1
On the picture you will see a basic exemple
My purpose is to find a way to express this in grasshopper and be able to modify n and r
I hope I made mysefl clear, excuse me if I wasn’t. Speaking of math in english is not as easy as I thought.
Many thanks for your help !