Distance between contours not corresponding

Hey guys,
The distance between contours is not corresponding in a rectangle with h:970 w:2840.
As you can see in the image, the value for distance in GH is 410mm.
But in Rhino, the distance between contours is way larger (approx. 613mm).
Am I missing something obvious, like a step in between or something?

Moved to Grasshopper category so it will be seen.


You can tell by looking at your screenshot that the dimensions in Rhino are correct - divide your rectangle that is 2840 units wide into boxes that are 613 units wide gives you about 4.6 boxes (2840 divided by 410 would be about 6.9).

The problem is that you are using a point that you moved as the Direction input to the Contour component. You just want to use a Unit X for the Direction input. This is what I get from your definition. (Moving the sliders in the purple group changes the spacing and direction of the contour lines):

If I just change the Direction input to a simple Unit X component, it works as expected regardless of where the rectangle is located in 3D space:

distance_between_contours_210727a.gh (16.8 KB)


Thank you so much, this is exactly it.
