DisplayPipeline "DrawMaskedText" METHOD REQUEST

Hi Devs,

I would very much like to see the addition of an accessible masked text draw method for the display pipeline.

Currently it involves jumping throught a few hoops to measure the text string to get pixel dimensions, inflating the resulting 2d rectangle to get some offset from the text, and overlaying the two to have a resulting masked text.

This is very useful for displaying real time data and HUDs without the problem of bad readibility of screen text when overlayed on the model space.


Can you give a declaration of what this function would look like for your needs?

It could be the following:

DrawText(self: DisplayPipeline, screenX: int, screenY: int, text: TextEntity)

Draws TextEntity in screen coordinates.

screenX: X coordinate (in pixels) of text insertion point (dependent on TextJustification set in TextEntity).
screenY: Y coordinate (in pixels) of text insertion point (dependent on TextJustification set in TextEntity).
text: TextEntity.

Masking would be set in the properties of the TextEntity (currently the Draw2dText and Draw3dText accept string inputs for the text parameter only).