Display Preview During GetPoint

Example : WHen using rs.GetPoint display a rectangle over the mouse location rappresenting the boundingbox of obj guid X

Very simply :

User selects obj
Script asks for get point
As the mouse moves, at the cursor location, I want to display the object moving so that the user has a preview of where the object will go

Another example could be nice
-rs.getPoint as user takes the points, 1 2 3 4 5 whatever, we display a preview of the line connecting them

How could we do this?

If you can show me this It would be great @dale
Both examples please I am kinda dense but with examples I really understand
Thank you

Can you send exmaple code in Python to reach this? I really cant find anything similar
Brief and functioning example

Similar to how the “Leader” command in Rhino works (display preview between 2points)

Hi @ReyMysterio, for the leader type of display, you might take a look at the script posted here

For the object moving, you might look here and draw eg. the bounding box in the OnDynamicDraw function using this method.


That’s it, thanks you brother.
On Dynamic Draw is what I needed