Display Modes

I’ve recently started using rhino 8, and found that the “individual Display Mode” Function very helpful especially for concepting when trying to highlight a specific area.
But I tried to change the display mode on an individual Object with a custom display I modified but it doesn’t seem to show an option to add the custom display (As seen on the image) Is there a way to actually apply this or is this still a limitation within the rhino 8 system?

More specifically I want to change the current selected Object Group on the image (Currently in display Mode “Ghosted”) to my custom display

Make sure that under the Other Setting for your custom display mode the checkbox for assignment to individual objects is checked

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This is the user interface option menu for the custom display, doesn’t seem like there’s an option to use it individually.
It seems to be the same with the new monochrome display mode built in rhino 8, is there a reason why this is the case?

Hi Brian -

Yes, technical display modes and its derivatives can’t be mixed with regular display modes.

Alright, thanks a lot for the confirmation, I’ll try finding another workaround.