Disable enter repeat command on right mouse button

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Further investigation, this may be a slightly faulty mouse. Appear to have much more issue in rhino though. Would still be good to have this option in the though.

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Fwiw, in almost all cases where this is a problem, a failing mouse that has a worn out RMB is the culprit.

RMB takes a beating in rhino and I personally go thru a mouse every year or so… seeing this behavior is usually the sign it’s time to replace it.

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Well, there is a magic menu in the Rhino options that lets you disable repeating of specific commands. The only negative thing is that you have to manually include all the commands you don’t want to repeat, instead of having a dedicated tickbox for “Don’t repeat any command”. It may take you several minutes to include all the commands you want to “ban”, but then you will be happy that Rhino is doing exactly what you want. :slight_smile:

Sorry, but this post misses the point:

We don’t want to disable repeating of commands, we want to disable repeating commands via the right mouse button.

Having commands repeat via enter or spacebar is great; having them repeat via the right mouse button, which is already fully gainfully fully employed manipulating the 3D view, in one of the greatest strokes of interface brilliance ever, is incredibly counter-productive.

(The same mis-guided thought process that hi-jacked the TAB key to swap modes in SUB-D, even though that key has plenty of legitimate work to do already…)

Honestly, I just fail to see why its such a big deal to simply add this as an option to the mouse options: -

Use right mouse button as enter - yes / no

Like it the way it is? - great, no problem, - even let the default be yes, but, without going into it all over again, some of us hate it, and it is a continual thorn in the side.

Who was it that said that its not the big things that derail an endeavor, but the small pebble in the shoe constantly irritating and distracting…?


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This could be the easiest fix, if only it was that easy:

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A quick side note to this one: we successfully lobbied for TAB to be customizable in V7 - you can configure it from Keyboard menu. Yay : )

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I would just like to voice the other view, so it doesn´t seem it´s only a problem. I honestly like the RMB behaviour. But having an option to disable it wouldn´t hurt anybody.

Ah, alas - this has option been removed in V8. :frowning:

That’s weird, for some reason it was moved to Advanced options:

Looks like RMA badly wants users to keep it as SubD toggle…this will be very hard to discover for most users. I personally think it should be back in Keyboard Config.

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Hi Jarek -

Not really. It’s a bug (RH-69990 Keyboard: Tab missing on the key list) that hasn’t found it way to the top of the prioritization list quite yet.

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Adding to this and the ridiculous Space = Enter means you cannot write scripts where the user inputs a string with spaces unless you put " " around it, which of course nobody does.

A way to disable RMB = Enter and Space = Enter for those who are fine just pressing Enter would be greatly appreciated.

In a scripting context when we use rs.GetString the whole Space = Enter thing should be disabled during that command, because it does nothing but cause problems or need for weird workarounds.

You can always count on McNeel to come up with their own definitions of User Experience. Usually things that were decided by some dev years ago and now seem to be carved in stone.

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Wow! I have not noticed this for a year. I love seeing renders, but sometimes I am always starting the Bella export chain out to the GUI, because I use too many CAD packages in a day; and I thought I just had to tolerate it. :smiley:


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RH-69990 is fixed in the latest WIP

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Any hope for RMB and Space Bar behavior to become customizable? I still fail to understand why everything in Rhino is customizable, except for 2 of the most commonly used input buttons: the RMB and Space Bar.

Also, pleeease disable Space Bar = Enter during rs.GetString. There is literally zero use cases where that is wanted during entering a string. Your own Text command actually utilizes a workaround in some magic way. At the very least reveal the workaround you use during the Text command, so we can use it in our own Scripts where someone has to enter a string!

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Yeah, I would 100% agree with that for GetString().

Well the only use case I can think of is that someone who is in the habit of using spacebar as an Enter would expect that hitting the spacebar would terminate the string entry. But in this particular case - GetString() - I could live with the fact that their spacebar expectations aren’t fulfilled - and everyone else’s are.

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Hi Armin and Mitch,

just a possible workaround to prompt for a string with spaces:

import Rhino

def GetStringWithSpaces(message=None, default_string=None):
    gs = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetString()
    if gs.CommandResult() == Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
        return gs.StringResult().Trim()
rc = GetStringWithSpaces("Enter text with spaces", "Hello World")
if rc: print rc



Wow - never knew that option existed… TBH, I never went looking… :flushed:
@dale - why isn’t this simply integrated into rs.GetString()?

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I also didn’t know this existed. I think something like that must be used for the Grasshopper Player GetString component, as you can enter strings with spaces and only Enter confirms the string input (as you would expect with any string input).

I will try GetLiteralString() next time I need it. Thanks @clement for the code!

I don’t know exactly what it does, but I love that there is a command called gs.AcceptNothing(True) :smiley:

Hope that this gets implemented in Rhino 8, this repeat is driving me crazy