Dims match option and scrollable list

This is probably me but I have checked a couple of times.

Where is the match option in the dims properties panel, please?

Also, I don’t seem to be able to scroll through the properties listings if I expand too many options they fall off the screen.



Hi Andy - checkin it, thanks.

You’re right, there is no Match yet - https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-37948

I’m not sure about the scrolling - do you mean you do not get a vertical scroll bar if the dimension Properties page is too short?


Hey Pascal,

Yeah, if I open two or three sub menus if falls off the bottom of the screen and I can’t see what’s at the bottom of the list?

I have to close a couple in order to keep them on the screen to see. I’m guessing it’s work in progress or my system but thought I’d flag it.



You should get a scroll bar on the side - do you not get this? It does not exactly jump out at you, it’s somewhat low key as controls go :


Hi Pascal,

No joy over here: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cbnoXv66Mu

I’ve noticed that if I make the window smaller the bar appears but it still doesn’t scroll through the listings: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cbnoX466My

I’ll update my drivers and have another look


Hi Andy - thanks - I was testing with the control cut off by another docked thing below it, I’ll try with it at full height.


Hi Andy,

The scroll bar that Pascal is showing is not in the last WIP but will be in the next one.
