V5 I have CAREFULLY replicated all the settings in V7 for the dims style.
however drawing with the dim in V7, (not importing it !) sees the dim not central but way off to right.
What setting have I overlooked as my line diagram shows those I have matched.
Even if I missed one the default should be centre I would have thought.
I must then alter whatever is the cause throughout all my templates.
So whilst the auto in V5 placed dims central , the Auto in v7 upon opening V5 places them far right.
A new dimension in a new v7 file I see is default auto and they appear centred, BUT AS I TRY DIFFERENT DIMS THEY FLIT BETWEEN CENTRED AND OFF TO RIGHT. There seems enough space to fit in. Auto is a bit squiffy.
I altered the arrows to arrows (prefer over the angled lines).
I will have to alter all my dimension styles across all my templates from Auto to central. over a hundred, Took me ages to create the templates with what I thought were correct dim style settings. I also need to alter them all to 1:1 scale as well.
Here I see the scale is by default 1:12 yet I am told all should be 1:1 if text is to appear also same size in layout vew.
This the Subject of another post where dims are microscopic when native V7 is opened into Layout and V5 is opened into V7…OMG.
scales also to be altered across all dims as well. 3 x 300 alterations !
V7 dims are wonky , need 1:1 to behave between layout and design and auto is a bit dicey in native v7 and no good for v5 to v7 ?
The V5 dimension you illustrate is considered bad practice: centred text should not extend beyond the extension lines. Once again, R7 gets it right: offsetting text that is too long to fit.
I far prefer (spade a spade NEED !!) the dims located midfield between the arrows as in V5 illustration, and certainly not the off to right of the 4 1/16 of V7.
I have 5 months lost time dueto rebuld to win10 to catch up on somehow, so anything that threatens that now gets me going. As it is I have to redo all my dims in all my projects to be able to open them into V7. even then V7 doesnt honour the text gap entries, even if the project starts within V7, more testing to do on that bug.
Its bad enough fitting dims into a small area, but to have them off to right would cause impossibility for me.
I have never offset to right anything, all goes between arrows, I can then stand best chance of fitting everything in.
witness the attached.
its on a layout plan at 1:1 scale and the dims need to be readable, so they are at the size I consider just about acceptable, some of those wouldnt be possible if offset right.
I do want to get to bed before its time to wake up. 5 months lost…OMG. and now to redo all the dim styles per file, and the overide properties ones, that means finding them first.
is there a way to locate all the overide properties styles, I need to get hold of those and alter to 1:1 as well.
Why didnt Rhino flag this real nasty bug up , years of dims all at 1:10. unaware, and it all worked fine, so no problem until moving into V6 or beyond…cruel or what.
Anyhow, centred dims, needs must, and continue as before so how to make sure they stay centred , whats the method for always centred ?
If you really want to do this, then change each Annotation Style so that the ‘Fit text’ option reads ‘Inside’ instead of ‘Auto’ - or whatever you have it set to.
Personally, I wouldn’t do this. Every time a dim doesn’t fit I would need to override the individual dim’s properties instead of Rhino adjusting it for me. Then I’d ever after need to keep an eye on the dims whenever I change the size of something.