Dimension Length Factor .dwg export V5 vs V6

Hi all, this is my first post. And it is for a workflow that I was given, so please don’t shoot the messenger!
The current workflow for producing 2d drawings here is as follows:
Make2d in model space.
Bring in a drawing border that is correctly sized for the 1:1 size of the make 2d geometry.
Detail views are created by scaling 1:1 geometry up, and then adjusting the dimension length factor to suit. So for example a Scale1:2 will use a length factor of 0.5.
With v5, this length factor always exported with the dwg amd read correctly in DraftSight etc.
Now the same settings in v6 do not give the same result.!

Hi Barry - there is normally no reason to scale geometry - you can scale the details in your layout if need be. I just round-tripped an object with a dimension that has a length factor and that seems to be correct here - still at .5 on importing the dwg.


Hi Pascal

Thank-you for time. In Rhino 6 my scale factor doesn’t seem to be carrying over. But maybe because I am not using genuine AutoCad?
I agree with your comments completely about not scaling geometry in model space, but I am trying to fit in to the existing workflow of the company.

Just to be sure if we are seeing the same thing - If you import the DWG file back into a (new) Rhino 6 session, has the scale factor carried over correctly?

My intention is to create a usable DWG as the end product. So.
Make 2d to generate geometry.
Create some detail views using a different scale (still in model space)
Hack the dimension style by changing the length factor to ensure that the dim comes out right.
Export to DWG
Open in DWG viewer (Draftsight, NanoCAD)
Dimension is wrong in DWG as the length factor has not carried over (it used to in Rhino 5).
There is no need to open the DWG in Rhino, otherwise I wouldn’t have created it in the first place.

But it will help us trying to figure out what is happening…