Different Pan and Orbit behavior in Rhino6 vs Rhino7 with Cadmouse

I already asked this question in the 3D Connexion forum, where it probably belongs, but this community is much more responsive and helpful.
I am running Windows 10 Rhino 7 and Rhino 6 at home and Windows 10 Rhino 6 at work. I am setting up a 3D Connexion Cadmouse to hopefully work the same across all versions and computers. I configured everything at home in Rhino 7 with customized radial menu, then exported, then imported my 3D connexion settings at work and it did not work. The radial menu did not get imported. Out of the box, the cadmouse has middle mouse button as pan and right mouse button as orbit in Rhino 7. At work in Rhino6 the middle mouse button is Popup Toolbar, just like clicking the scroll wheel, and right mouses button is orbit. Why are these not the same in Rhino 6 and Rhino 7? How do I configure them to be the same, with middle mouse button as pan, the scroll wheel click as PopupToolbar, and RMB as Orbit? I need to check at home on Rhino 6 to verify that is also has this discrepancy.


  • 3D connection radial menu did not import
  • MMB is pan in Rhino 7 which I like, and it is PopupToolbar in Rhino 6. Why is it different and how do I get it to be the same?

Are the two systems running the same version of the 3dconnexion driver?

Yes, both systems just had the same version installed. I can confirm that Rhino 6 on both systems have the same issue with MMB doing Popup Toolbar instead of pan like in Rhino 7. Also, unrelated, the radial menu I created in Rhino7/3D Connexion yesterday did not persist when I reopened today.

This is probabley a question for Markus Bonk.
he’s the 3dconnexion guy.
It’s been a while, but the last contact email I had for him was:

I figured it out. In Rhino Options > Mouse, under middle mouse button. You must check “Manipulate View” and tick the first option for “pan”. It looked like it was already ticked, but sort of greyed out until I checked “Manipulate View”. Now it works the same in Rhino 6, Rhino 7, and by god Fusion 360 too.