Different Lights on in Different Viewports?

Can you do this in AutoCAD? The extra application route is a few extra steps, but InDesign in particular is purpose-built for this sort of thing so you could even script Rhino and InDesign to push out updates with one click.

Sticking with Rhino, it sounds like the idea of setting up view modes is the shortest route to something, but it doesn’t really sound like the best solution, since it’s not a handy way to set up lighting.

A more generic solution would be the ability to include a detail from another file with the alternate setup in a layout.

Another option that sounds clever on paper would be if the ShowInDetail / HideInDetail commands worked with lights.

Thanks for the suggestion, Jim. I may have to try it at some point.

AutoCAD’s layout.viewport performance has far fewer limitations than Rhino’s. (But it should - it’s about 6x the cost.) I don’t know about having different lights on in different viewports, but I expect so. Rhino’s set up to do it, it’s just that it has an unworkable bug at the moment, as Pascal has now verified. The bigger problem than the export/import transfer is rendering the images to raster images separately. In environments where AutoCAD has been the norm, one makes a small change and 30 seconds later print everything again. Rerendering each perspective separately (there could be 12 of them on a sheet) and transferring it to another programme could take much much longer. It seems inefficient.

For now it’s no solution at all because it doesn’t work. It would be, if its intent was fulfilled by its performance. Scene lights are supposed to be selectively baked into any View Mode, but the current version changes the coordinates in a way I can’t find a way around.

In that case 12 views would mean 12 different projects. Shudder.

That would be the easiest, I’d say. It’s what I was expecting. Or the layers they are on in the layer manager. But that currently only controls the display of the icon.

It’s taken me three full days to discover this can’t work at the moment, so I’m just attempting to find a global lighting setup within Rhino that’s barely acceptable for a number of different perspective views.I really appreciate your thoughts.

At this point I’ve abandoned Custom lighting and have decided to go with Ambient Occlusion, but it crashes on print. I’ve started a thread on this.

did anyone manage to set up multiple viewports with different shadow angles? I found this thread while trying to do 2 shadow directions for 2 different elevation/sections.
What does the highlighted tickbox do? I couldnt tell any visible difference. image

Also wierdly where are these shadows coming from if all my lights are off?

Hello - there is no way that I can see to do this. The checkbox, if checked, selects a light in the modeling viewport when it is highlighted in the Lights panel.


aha! that makes sense :smiley:
thanks @pascal . The workaround you suggested- to create a separate display style sounds like it could work though right? Im still wondering where the shadows are coming from though my lights are all off :thinking:

Hello - if all lights are off, then Rhino adds a default one, over the camera’s left shoulder, as it were. To suppress the default one, in a rendered view, place a small spotlight light in a location off camera, with intensity set to 1 and pointing off into space.


haha! thanks that solves the mystery :slight_smile:

But I could not find a way to have separate lights on and off in different views.

It’s indeed a shortcoming: different viewing angles require different lighting setups for optimal visualization.

You could probably use the Layer State Manager to do that. Your different light arrangements would need to be on different layers, but that should work.

I don’t recall the reason, but that did not work at the time of the original post. We gave up and decided it wasn’t possible.