Development vs. Production Environment?

Hi all, I had a development question. I use grasshopper extensively to create designs, relying on a fair number of plugins. I’ve been a bit of a pack rat over the years with them, so if they’re all in Libraries it can take a while to load.

But at the same time when I’m debugging the component libraries I write, I need it to not take forever to load a bunch of stuff I don’t need for debugging anyway. My current solution is having an “Unload” folder that I move all the extra stuff into when I’m programming.

But is there a better way? Is there a way (without having to create a different user in Windows) to set up a “development environment” where I can have a separately configured Rhino that just has the component I’m testing in the Libraries folder? Or is another Windows user the best way to go, since Libraries are by user?

I’d love to hear what others do if they’re in the same spot as I am. Or if anyone from McNeel knows any tricks. Thanks for your advice.

I would write a simple Powershell or Batch script where I move the files out of or back into the library folder. But I would also never install so many dependencies in the first place.

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