Determine position of control pints for lifting parts of the surface

Hi there,

I wonder if anyone knows the answer for this one:

  1. I have a surface, and I would like to lift it in its centre, to create a mound
  2. I thought I could do it by Rebuild → Show objects control points on

  1. However, I want the control points to be following sort of shape of this surface, so I could only lift it in the centre of the mound:

Any ideas how to either adjust the points to follow the shape of the surface?

Many thanks!
test surface.3dm (118.1 KB)

A control point of a degree 3 x degree 3 surface will affect a 4 span x 4 span portion of the surface. Exceptions are the control points along the edges which only affect a 2 span x 4 span portion, and the rows/columns of control points adjacent to the edges which only affect a 3 span x 4 span portion.

if you really need nurbs and precision the attempt may be futile though you might get close to it the result will be more organic depending how much effort you put into it, if that is not what you want you may not get there so easy, if its just for the visual aspect you may want to use some sculpting tools instead. still attempting this in Rhino you may want to experiment with patch.

but for this to work properly move the geometry to the center of origin you are currently 579537903.80 cm away from it which messes up the results. you also might have to clean up your input geometry a bit.

here seen below i first offset the initial curve as far inwards as possible till it almost selfintersects then slightly offset it outwards again with option rounded you can discard the unrounded most inner curve. then from there make a few of these with option rounded further outwards, make a few more closer to the here marked yellow original curve so ensure this part stays flat.

only elevate the most inner curve plus a few added points in the open area these will ensure that the patch keeps level with curve later.

turn on history you can then tweak these curves and points to adjust the patch in almost real time after yo have completed patch. now select all the curves and the points (not the original yellow) and patch with something like 50 x 50 spans by stiffness 5.

trim the rest off with the original curve, i skipped this part

here the file for reference

test surface.3dm (4.1 MB)

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