My file has nearly a 100 unused annotation styles (where or how they came from, I don’t know). The PURGE command doesn’t remove them. I can select them individulay to delete them, but cannot select more than one to delete. In the Windows version one can select multiple styles to delete, but it seems not in the the MAC version. Is this a bug and is there a workaround?
Hi Seaweed -
Thanks → RH-85530 Annotation: Styles: Cannot Delete Multiple
Could you post or upload the file so that we can check why that is the case?
I’ve uploaded the file for your review.
Hi Seaweed -
You have several layouts in that file that contain blocks with annotations in them.
When you go into the Block Manager, you will see a list of block:
… but, you can turn on hidden blocks:
… which turns the list into:
I haven’t taken a close look at each and every one of those, but if you delete all layouts and all blocks in model space, and then purge the file for both blocks and annotation styles, you will only have a single annotation style left.
Thanks for looking into the file Will.
I need to keep the blocks and layouts for this particular file. I wish there was an easier way to cull the annotation styles so that it would be easier to scroll through and edit the ones I need. It looks like the Cannot Delete Multiple styles is a known bug.
Q: If one could delete the unwanted styles, and then saving, would the styles remain after reopening?
Hi Seaweed -
Not being able to delete multiple annotations styles that are not in use in one go is on the list as a bug.
Not being able to delete annotation styles that are in use is a feature.
Rhino can’t decide for you which annotation styles you will want to keep. My test only shows that if you delete all block definitions, there is no problem deleting all annotation styles.