Hey guys I’ve been trying to make my triangulation 3d by moving the vertex in the Z axis (positive and negative) randomly. The issue comes when trying to move, as you can check I got some points duplicated and I dont know why thats happening. Also I get an error message when applying the Delaunay Edges component, saying I need 3 vertex… so I also dont know whats happening there… The final purpose its to have like a 3d triangulated surface.
those are virtual points. all components that operate on points (or any other geometry/data/etc) duplicate them (they don’t change the points from the previous component). if you’d like not to see those, you can either select the components that you don’t want to see, middle click and select the blindfolded head
or, on the top right, click on the green cylinder to hide all objects aside from the ones related to the components you’re selecting
Okay I understand what you explained but in this case I have all the components “hidden” (blindfolded), only the move and the delaunay edges are visible and as you can see this is what I get
the problem in your case is that you have overlapping points - on average six per location - so when you displace each one randomly, it ends up looking like 6 times more points.