Del key do not separate objects


When you use commands that divide a volume, Rhino creates different objects for them.

But if you select a sub face of an brep object and delete it with the Del key, Rhino create just one open object.
Where the command ExtractSrf create two.

I have test with an mesh object, it’s identical.

– jmv.

Well, normally, hitting Delete is meant to delete stuff, not split or extract, so I find the behavior correct…

Hello - yeah… a disjoint Brep is a little peculiar - I’m not sure what should happen here, but I think I’d expect two breps. Meshes are different though - disjoint meshes are ‘ok’ and expected in Rhino.


In the previous image, there are 2 logical objects, but rhino only creates one.
There are no other commands than to create 2 objects in one.


No Issue ? No amelioration for this ?


Thanks for the nudge.
Now logged as RH-49290.

:slight_smile: Thanks to you !