Hi all,
So I came across this topic.
Thank you
@diff-arch, for your replies,
and of course @akilli for posting.
I found your replies (as usual) extremely elegant - and coincidentally immensely helpful for my current project.
I began playing and created a bit of a conundrum I think.
Here’s one beautiful result of innumerable possitiblities:
Now I believe I need your advise.
I do not need a particular solution, though I sense enough of what I am doing is a bit brute-force.
I am trying to come up with what looks like a ball of ‘strands’ exhibiting numerous kinks and twists, which I then want to deform, as if trying to scrunch and compact it - though without distorting its shape too much - a somewhat ‘soft edit’.
My previous result I had ‘settled for’:
It involved interpolating many points then tweaking generated curve(s) via deformations aided by ellipses:
Upon playing with the random walk examples, I wanted to ‘take control’ of the ‘scrunching’, so I set up a series of constraints and ways to ‘force’ the strands back a bit more into ‘their sphere’. One important thing is to have ‘influence points’ to ‘dictate’ said ‘scrunching’.
I am using a few ‘tactics’ like spatial deform or stretch - before that, I attempted bending, then point deform.
I didn’t like all results, so went back to spatial deform using points to find ‘regions’ on the strand:
Indeed playful and fun, though evidently the more I deform Spatially the more I ‘pinch’ the curve when in reality I want to ‘softly’ treat the kinks to alter the scrunching:
I started attempting multiple ‘stretches’ to then grab an averaged curve:
though my multi-axis set-up isn’t adequate.
I am having more ideas as I type, yet I would be very delighted to see what your take on this would be, if you have a chance of course.
Thank you for reading and looking:
strand_play_01.gh (62.1 KB)