Default Template is Messed up

Hi all,
Whenever I open rhino 7 to a new template (in feet & inches) it opens to a new version of an old project that I did. I am not sure exactly what happened; perhaps I somehow accidentally saved my file as the empty template for feet and inches. I was wondering if someone could help me fix this problem so that when i open a new template it is a completely new file (like it used to).

I think its important to note this only happens when I open my feet and inches template.
I’ve attached an image of what it open to when I open a new file.

Hi @cmdubbs,

Welcome! You have three options:

  1. You can create a new document using the errant template, delete the objects and layers you don’t want in your template and then use Save As Template to overwrite the template file.

  2. You can run the localization installer to reinstall the original localization, including the original templates. You will lose any changes you made to other templates, but not destroy any non-standard templates you created. The installer is at %ProgramData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Packages\localization (en-us).rhi
    (or something similar if you have a non-English installation).

  3. You can restore the template from a backup taken before you overwrote the original.


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Whenever Rhino does an update it actually overwrites any changes I’ve made to the original templates. I usually only make small changes to them (otherwise I’d just rename them). I just wonder why mind does this and theirs doesn’t.

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