February 6, 2021, 2:11am
I have a square grid. Each cell contains a number of offset curves depending on the value of an image. This is working properly:
Unfortunately, as soon as I add to the branches, things fall apart. I’ve seen similar issues already, but what’s throwing me off here (I think) is that I don’t have the same number of items in each cell. I haven’t really dealt with that before.
Any suggestions?
Tree (19.3 KB)
February 6, 2021, 5:42am
It’s a common data tree problem and if you graft the curve input ofOffset Curve , it should work as expected…
Tree (11.3 KB)
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February 6, 2021, 3:27pm
Oof! Thanks so much! I swear I tried this, but I am obviously mistaken.
I’m surprised how much your cleaning up my layout clarifies the situation. Mental note to do that in the future.
February 6, 2021, 3:36pm
I’m not sure I understand what the ‘shift paths’ component is doing there at the end? I see that it is making data with 58 branches into data with 12 branches.
Is it “rotating” the data, so a list of 58 x 12 becomes 12 x 58?
February 6, 2021, 4:08pm
Shift Paths with negative offset(-1) just remove the outer branches and let you retrieve the previous datatree.
What is the difference between “Trim tree” and “Shift Paths” ?
I can’t seem to find a tree that would be transformed differently by one vs the other…
By the way, thanks to whoever brought us the “Shift Paths safely” component !
I divided a bunch of individual panels using using “Divide Surface”. However, when I try to organize the data as to which is inside the curve and which is not using “Point in Curve”, “Larger Than” and “Dispatch”, a panel attached the “Larger Than” says that the values are null, and not true or false like I imagined.
Is anyone able to give me feedback please? I am assuming something is wrong with my tree structure but I don’t know what.
For Help Definition (46.7 KB)
I used split surface to cut some holes out of a list of surfaces, however when I try to select the split surface afterwards using list item realized there is an issue with the data structure which results in 4 pieces of the surface to be moved to a different index. I think this is because some of the splits cut some surfaces in half entirely therefore changing the number of surfaces in the list. Is there any way to fix this?
unable to select split (221.5 KB)
I am trying to extract the vertices of several geometries by using DeBrep.
My problem is that the data tree after I use DeBrep is different from the initial one and I would like them to have the same data structure so I can use it for other operations.
I have noticed that when a branch in the initial tree consists of several surfaces, each surfaces is assigned to a new branch to the new tree. When the geometry is a brep, all its surfaces are assigned to the same branch of the ne…
hi all,
could anyone shed some light on this question:
I have a tree that is the product of and intersection between two families of 18 curves,
I would like to arrange the tree into 18 branches with 18 items into each one,
It doesn´t really mind that the branches include null elements,
Thanks in (14.5 KB)
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