Data Tree Confusion

Hello, I have this problem that seems pretty basic, but I cannot figure it out on my own. I have a data tree of points, which I want to move in Z, however, if I want to add multiple Z values I get into trouble. I can move them easily by one value, but I don’t know how to incorporate the second( there can be a third, fourth, etc). The points are moved with the right value, but I only get points for the longest(last?) list.

Thank you for your time! (11.1 KB)

Thanks for the quick response Piotr! This however moves the point in [0] with 58 in Z, and then the point in [1] with 300. I want to have all points moved by 58, then by 300, etc.

Change nothing except grafting the points at the start:

IIs this what you’re after?

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Yes, thank you very much

Simple move does it too. No need to complicate it so much.

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