Data structure problem, "distance" between points

Hi guys, I am facing a problem :

As you can see, I am using “distance” component to get the relationship between the curve and the divided points.

The thing I want to do is like this :

turn the above list into:

I have tried “group” & “ungroup” to change the list structure but didn’t work well.
I wonder Is there a way of this?(or a better way to deal with this kind of problem?) (17.1 KB)

That’s not what the grouping components are for.

Yes, you can for instance do this:

You don’t even need to simplify, but that’s up to you. (14.9 KB)

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It works very well for my next step.
Thanks a lot !!

What do you usually use “group” for?
I did some research and found that it only works on geometry?

I don’t use the group components frequently, but they are generally used to group geometries that are somehow related, so you don’t lose that relation when performing some operation.