Data manipulation

I have a tree of 9 branches of curves each branch has different count of items on the other hand i have an one mesh. I need to intersect these curves with this mesh so the result is going to be a tree with 9 branches. How can i do that ??
I tried all types of set options (graft flatten simplify) and it always gives me number of branches that not equal to the original branches.

it sounds like you might want to put a Trim Tree just after Meash|Curve intersection, but note that you will lose the info about which intersection is produced by which curve, and you will just get intersections produced by each whole branch of curves

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It solved but i wonder why this happend??

it happens in such a way you don’t lose data and are able to track things in your data tree
that extra branch is something that you might find not useful in your particular case, but imagine having a situation where your curves are each intersecting multiple times, like this:

here you are very happy to have that extra branch added to the data tree

of course, in case of 1 single intersection point you might find that branching not that useful, so Trim Tree deletes it for you

a very very very good explanation on the topic -and its variations- can be found here:
[it’s a MUST, you can’t not watch it -using Jedi powers- ]


So it happens only for the intersection components right?

Really very thankful :heart::heart:

trust me, watch the video :slight_smile: :heart:

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